Ivetta Macejková
Former Judges
JUDr. Ivetta Macejková, PhD., LL.M.
President of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
in the period from February 16, 2007 to February 16, 2019

Name and surname: Ivetta Macejková
Academic titles: JUDr., PhD., LL.M.
Birth year: 1958
Nationality: Slovak Republic
Family status: married
1977 – 1981
Comenius University in Bratislava, Law Faculty, awarded the academic title “magister (Mgr.)”
1981 – 1982
Comenius University in Bratislava, Law Faculty, Rigorosum exam in law, awarded the academic title “juris utriusque doctor (JUDr.)”
2007 – 2012
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Law Faculty, doctoral exam in study field: Criminal Law, awarded academic title “philosophiae doctor (PhD.)”. Doctoral thesis on: “Criminal law and its constitutional limits in the Slovak Republic”
Security Management University in Košice and Warsaw University of Management (Poland) in collaboration with “World Jurist Association” in Maryland, USA, in a study programme which meets Polish legal requirements and EU standards, awarded academic title “Master of Laws – LL.M.”. Dissertation on: EU Law in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic
Work experience
1981 – 1992
Pozemné stavby Bratislava – corporate lawyer
1992 – 1996
District Court Bratislava-vidiek – after being appointed judge – vice-president and later president, presiding judge of a senate
1997 – 2006
Regional Court Bratislava – president, presiding judge in a penal and administrative senate
2006 – 2007
Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic – judge and member of the Penal Division as the only woman in the history of the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic
1992 – 2007
practising judge in general courts of all instances (District Court, Regional Court, Supreme Court)
2007 – súčasnosť
Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic – judge and president
Management skills
- Assisting the dissolution of District Court Bratislava-vidiek (1996)
- Assisting the establishment of District Court Pezinok (as part of reorganisation of judicial bodies in 1996 – 1997)
- Assisting the fusion of City Court Bratislava and Regional Court Bratislava (1996 – 1997)
- Assisting the establishment of Regional Court Bratislava (1997)
- Assisting the Constitutional Court’s accession to the Conference of European Constitutional Courts and World Conference on Constitutional Justice
- Initiating and developing intensive cooperation with European constitutional courts, European Court of Human Rights, and Court of Justice of the European Union
- Initiating and assisting the reconstruction of the premises of the Constitutional Court,
- Initiating the establishment of the Bratislava Liaison Office of the Constitutional Court
- Initiating the creation of a new courtroom, electronic registry and electronic library of the Constitutional Court
Pedagogical and scientific research activities
1995 – 2011
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Law Faculty, Criminal Law Department – external lecturer
1995 – 2011
Comenius University in Bratislava, Law Faculty, Criminal Law Department – external lecturer
2007 – súčasnosť
Member of the Research Council at the Law Faculty of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
2009 – 2012
Member of the Research Council at the Security Management University in Košice
Member of the Research Council at the Law Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava
Effectiveness of the enforcement of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic in proceedings on complaints by individuals and legal entities (concrete constitutionality review) in causal relationship with the principle of presumption of culpable conduct on the part of the State (ordinary courts and prosecuting authorities); 2009 – 2017
Membership in international organisations
Since 2007
Member of the European Commission for Democracy through the Law (Venice Commission) – internationally recognised and independent advisory body of the Council of Europe in constitutional matters
Further activities
- JUDr. Ivetta Macejková’s Foundation: Supporting foster homes,
- JUDr. Ivetta Macejková’s Foundation: Supporting the protection of cultural heritage in eastern Slovakia
Language skills
- English
- Russian
- Golden Biatec 2008, Informal Economic Forum – Economic Club
- Memorial plaque – Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice – Law Faculty 2013
- Medal – 20th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Armenia – 2015